If you already know that Tantra is your path, and you want to dedicate your time, energy and devotion to diving deeper, ‘Riding the Waves’ might be the way to go.

In this 9-month program, we spend 3 full Kaula weeks together, follow 6 weekend workshops, and are supported by individual mentoring, group support, and personalised tasks and sadhana work.

There are different moments to step into the Intensive Training.

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If you would rather explore the Tantra experience by yourself, or together with your partner (or friend(s)), you can also book a private session.
Elle_Lore will guide you through this journey. You have the option to:

  • go for a full-on Tantric touch session, explore expanding the body experience, becoming one with the Tantric energy of expansion and release. A massage session supported by breathwork, movement, and energetic exchange
  • choose a Ritual Massage, on the basis of a pre-agreed intention. We can work around renewal, cleansing, grief, energy, self-love, couple/family dynamics,…
  • work on the couple dynamics through Tantric meditation and/or touch. Sometimes we literally lose ‘touch’ with the one we are the closest to. Tantra can help you to rekindle the connection, and bring your relationship to a next level.
  • organize a small workshop for yourself and some friends at a place of your choosing.

There is a song that courses under all of our skins. A song of connection, of loss, and of longing.
There is a voice that wants to break out of its shell and soar higher and higher singing its praise to the sky.
There is an itching down below, a whisper from the shadows. that tells us that our lives are richer, fuller, and more intense than we currently are experiencing.

There is a fire coursing through our veins, that we are rarely encountering. A power so vast, we know it can not be ours to keep.
Because deep down we know, we are not just this. Deep down we feel we are more than this shell of habits and bones. Deep down we know, that our bodies are limitless, our minds shared, our lives intertwined.

With all of you, with all beings, with all that is.
Such beauty is not yours, my love.
Such beauty is only for us to behold, cherish, and kindle.
So we can all sit around the fire on a moonlit night, and watch our frightful shadows play games in the dark.